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UXGA/St-Audio/RS-232 Line Receiver

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UXGA/St-Audio/RS-232 Line Receiver

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SKU: TP-124-OD Category:


Computer Graphics Video Stereo & S/PDIF Audio & RS−232 over Twisted Pair Receiver with EMP Protection

The TP−124−od is a twisted pair receiver for computer graphics video unbalanced stereo audio and RS−232 data signals. The TP−123−od converts computer graphics audio and RS−232 inputs to a twisted pair signal and the TP−124−od converts the twisted pair signal back into computer graphics audio and RS−232 data signals.

oMax. Resolution – WUXGA & 1080p.
oHDTV Compatible.
oEMP Protection – Protected from voltage surges induced by the electromagnetic field of nearby lightning. The system does not protect against direct lightning strikes.
oTwisted Pair Connectors – RJ−45 connectors.
oAudio Outputs – Unbalanced stereo and S/PDIF (24−bit 48kHz) simultaneously.
oLevel (Gain) and EQ (Peaking) Controls.
oSystem Range – Up to 100m (300ft) greater distances possible depending on resolution and cable.
oCable – UTP (unshielded twisted pair) or STP (shielded twisted pair) such as CAT 5.
oPower Connect™ System – A single connection to the transmitter or receiver powers both units when the devices are within 50m (150ft) of each other.
oUnidirectional RS-232 – Maximum bitrate 19.2kbps.
oRS-232 Connect™ System – The unit can send RS−232 commands on the twisted pair cable on top of the video signal. All the system units must have RS−232 Connect to use this feature.
oCompact Kramer TOOLS™ – 3 units can be rack mounted side−by−side in a 1U rack space with the optional RK−3T rack adapter.

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